About Us

National Circus In Ethiopia

Circus in Ethiopia has a 50-year long history. In 1992, the circus was first structured in Addis Ababa with 5 major circus branches as well as 13 affiliated circus groups under the title “Circus Ethiopia”. Circus Ethiopia has helped circus art to be widely recognized throughout the country in a short period of time. It has also served as the cultural ambassador of Ethiopia globally. However, due to the 2006 Charity and Civil Society Law, Circus Ethiopia has been forced to dismantle because of the lack of funds. Thereafter, circus groups have been operating independently throughout the country. In recognizing the fact that private activities are not conducive to the growth of the sector, several individuals and associations have come together to form a national circus association—the Ethiopian National Circus Association Consortium (ENCAC). Establishing ENCAC has greatly helped in leading the sector in an organized manner and getting proper attention and support from the government. It has also supported local artists to be more competitive in the international market of contemporary circus. The Ethiopian National Circus Association Consortium (ENCAC) is comprised of 53 circus schools from five regional states, including Amhara, Tigray, Benishangul-Gumuz, Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region as well as Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city administrations. As a result of this initiative, all 53 circus schools have been legally recognized and issued licenses as well as national certificates.

Member Circus Associations

Executive Board Members

Teklu Ashagir
Yeneneh Tesfaye
Tesfahun Merga
Kibrom B Hadush
Wude Zeleke

International Circus Festivals

International Circus Festivals are like The Olympics for the circus industry. Participating and winning prizes in the festivals is an excellence in the sector. Many of our member teams including directors, circus artists and coaches have been participating in many of the prestigious International Circus Festivals and won prizes which puts Ethiopia as the leading country in Africa in both participation and in number of prizes.